Transcendental Meditation at Norwich,The Oldest Military University In USA

The US military are taking an interest in Transcendental Meditation (TM) after it has been shown to be very effective at increasing efficiency and reducing stress, at Norwich, the oldest military university in the country. Other military universities are are now interested in introducing TM to their students.   

By Hugh Finlay

  • The David Lynch Foundation introduced the teaching of Transcendental Meditation at Norwich University, Vermont, the oldest military college in the United States, which trains officers.
  • The president of the university was told about TM. Initially skeptical, he found out more, and then learned TM. He was so impressed that he introduced it to 30 of his students, who were closely monitored. A control group of 30 non-TM students were also closely monitored.
  • The results were dramatic. Within 90 days, the TM group was outperforming the non-TM group in every area. The TM group showed decreased anxiety, depression, stress and bad moods. They showed increased activity and efficiency. The TM group also showed an increase in constructive thinking, behavioral coping, and resilience.
  • The project run by TM teacher Dave Zobeck, has been going on at Norwich for 7 years, and 300 students (20% of the university) now do TM. It has been noticed that those students who are regular in doing their TM, have better results than those who are not regular.
  • Extra sessions of TM have been introduced, to see if this improves the ability of students to absorb information, in their academic studies at the university.
  • Other military universities around the country are now interested in introducing TM to their students.
  • 5 TM courses have been run at the National Defense University in Washington DC, a university which trains senior officers for the army, navy and air force.
  • TM is seen as a useful tool for the military to use to decrease stress, and increase efficiency. For instance, TM improves eye retinal tracking, which is important for taking aim.
  • As TM produces improvements in every area of life, it is seen as ideal for training officers.

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